
Tree [897d30] master v0.4 /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 AddOnsLib 2015-03-09 gntheprogrammer gntheprogrammer [149411] Added a command terminal near the output box (i...
 LangLib 2014-09-16 gntheprogrammer gntheprogrammer [89790c] Cleanup
 Setup 2015-07-02 gntheprogrammer gntheprogrammer [897d30] Updated version information and installer.
 TestComp 2014-09-16 gntheprogrammer gntheprogrammer [89790c] Cleanup
 UniversalIDE 2015-07-02 gntheprogrammer gntheprogrammer [897d30] Updated version information and installer.
 .gitattributes 2014-07-14 gntheprogrammer gntheprogrammer [ca58a7] Initial commit to add default .gitIgnore and .g...
 .gitignore 2014-09-16 gntheprogrammer gntheprogrammer [76d751] Better automated build script, working both for...
 Packages.dgml 2014-07-14 gntheprogrammer gntheprogrammer [e6a9d4] Initial commit 2014-09-16 gntheprogrammer gntheprogrammer [bc26e0] Fixed readme
 UniversalIDE.sln 2014-07-14 gntheprogrammer gntheprogrammer [e6a9d4] Initial commit

Read Me

UniversalIDE code repository

Welcome to the UniversalIDE's git repository.

UniversalIDE is an open source (GNU GPL v3) development environment studied to be compatible with any programming language thanks to its add-on based structure. Anyone who knows the .NET Framework can develop add-ons to support a programming language, defining syntax highlighting rules and interfacing the IDE with compilers or interpreters. It is written in Visual Basic .NET.

Any contribution is welcome, both to the main source code (this repository) and to the add-ons (

How to clone & build

To clone the repository to your computer, use:

git clone git:// universalide-code

To build:

  • From Visual Studio: Just open UniversalIDE.sln and press F5. (Note: tested with VS Express 2012 for Windows Desktop. Compatibility with other versions isn't assured.)
  • From command line: you need msbuild and NuGet commands avaiable; MsBuild is in the :NET framework directory, usually C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\YOUR_.NET_VERSION, and NuGet.exe can be downloaded here. Then, just do:
nuget restore


If you don't pass arguments to MsBuild, it will build in Debug mode. If you want Release mode, use:

nuget restore

msbuild /p:Configuration=Release